Start- up branding
Amarilys Pacheco
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Project year


Vive is a brand for busy persons who can be experiencing burnout , meant to help them develop better tools to separete their personal life from their work life. In this project I did the brand design.

A challenge I faced when designing the brand, was that I had to fulfill the task of a graphic designer and resolve different problems  than I was used to. This time I had to design the look and feel the brand wanted to express to their users. To understand more about the users, I conducted interviews with potential users who at the moment were working from home, I read a few books on burnout and the psychological impact that this has in people, stress and the effects on the health of the people, all of this with the goal of better understanding the target audience.

After that, I defined a typography system, started working on a moodboard and the logo. Later I did some sketches and moved on to wireframes, and mock ups of potential use for the brand.

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